Hey Parents!
During the past 13 years in youth ministry I've seen so many students be committed to Jesus and the local Church throughout Middle School and into the High School years only to graduate from their faith at the end of their Senior year. At some point in High School a lot of other things begin competing for their attention. Again & again I see teenagers get a drivers license, sign up for a sport/club/activity, get over committed, and lose connection with the Youth Ministry, and especially Small Group Bible Study.
The problem is that so many times we can look at the years leading up to the "spiritual vacation" and see that it was preceded by a series of decisions that disconnected the teenager from the Youth Ministry. Whether it was a job that kept them away from Church, a girlfriend or boyfriend that didn't feel comfortable at youth group, or a sport/activity that met during youth group....if building relationships with other Christ Followers wasn't a priority then the majority of these students dropped out of the Church almost completely. In fact, this may even be your story and it wasn't until you had kids or God got a hold of your heart in some other way that you reconnected with the Church.
So many times I have parents in my office who are heartbroken that their teenager doesn't want to be involved in the local Church anymore.
This is why I believe "Grow Groups" (Small Group Bible Study) are so important for High Schoolers.....especially guys.
God did not design us to grow completely on our own. He has wired us to grow in such a way that requires relationships with other believers.
If we want teenagers to mature in the fullness of Christ (Eph. 4) then it requires the body of Christ to meet together (Acts 2:42).
EVERY student I know who is still involved in ministry & the Church after their graduation was a part of a small group Bible Study in High School.
While Small Group was not the only ingredient in the spiritual growth of these teenagers, I am convinced it played a vital role. This is where relationships were built, they were held accountable, and they were cared for by a Godly adult speaking truth into their life.
My prayer for your teenager is that they graduate High School in love with Jesus, follow him passionately through their college years, and develop His servant's heart.
I believe that it is essential for your High Schooler to be involved in a Small Group Bible Study.
Our [re]Wired "Grow Groups" meet each Wednesday from 6:30 - 8:30 PM @ The Warehouse (183 HD Atha Rd. Monroe).
Each group studies God's Word and is then given time to put the Bible into practice by developing a ministry team within their Grow Group.
These ministries include food pantry, ministry to single moms, clothes closet, and several more.
I am praying for God to use these Grow Groups in the life of your teenager to help them mature into the Christ-like young man or woman God desires for them to be.
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