Monday, August 23, 2010

[re]Wired Kickoff

.::New [re]Wired Series::.
August 25th kicks off [re]Wired for the new school year.  We'll welcome our new 6th & 9th graders and begin our new series on 2nd Corinthians: TRANSFORMATION.  Its gonna be kickin'.
We'll study the book for 6 weeks and look at how being in Christ transforms us into a new creation and how that transformation shows up in the life of a believer.

**Parents: sign up for "car ride home questions" via text message @

::PARENTS:: Each week we'll give you a little summary of the nights Bible study and some questions for you to ask your student.

2 Cor. 5:14-15
Someone who has been transformed will go from living for self to living for & through Christ.  
I am a New Creation (2 Cor. 5:17)
 -I’m not just a better version of “me” 

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Parents Dinner

We've got a Parent's Dinner planned for all parents of 6th - 12th grade students.

We'll get you up to date on:
-Fall & Winter Plans
-The major programs & vision of the youth ministry
-Refuge Week

Your teenager is welcome to attend but not required.  The content will be geared towards parents.

Dinner is $4 & you can sign up @

Monday, August 2, 2010

School Supplies to Refugees

Saturday August 7th we'll be partnering with the Children's ministry to provide school supplies to the kids @ Wynview Apartments in Stone Mountain.

2 Ways You Can Help:
1. Pack supplies Thursday after FISH 4 Kids
2. Join us for delivery Saturday @ 9 am @ the warehouse.  We will be back to the warehouse by 1 pm.

Back Yard Bible Clubs

Tuesday - Friday (Aug. 3-6) from 3:30 - 5:30 pm we will be doing a  Backyard Bible Club @ George Walton Homes.  This will be an awesome week of reaching kids for Jesus & we could use your help!  If you'd like to help please meet us @ the warehouse @ 2:30 on the days you are available.  We will be back to the warehouse by 6. 
**we need help with games, snacks, crafts, and music.  See ya there!!!