Saturday, April 7, 2012

Brazil Update // #2

What a whirlwind of a week.  Sooooo much great stuff!! A few days ago we were able to spend time in several day centers where street / village kids are able to come for a hot meal, help with homework, and hear about Jesus.  There are tons of sweet kids at these centers and there is some great work being done.  Our time was spent playing games with them, dancing, singing, and sharing the Gospel.  Our team told the kids about the resurrection of Jesus everywhere we went.  They've done an amazing job!!!!  One of the centers we visited was called "Daikon" which is a Greek variant of the word "justice."  This center is doing amazing work and we were blessed to invest in the ministry there.
We also were able to serve with Pastor Jorge @ Crossroads Curitiba.  The team did an amazing job with the kids.  You can check out more pictures of this on our Facebook Page.
Jono & Pastor Jorge
This year has been unique in the fact that God has connected us to several new people doing some amazing work in Brazil.  They are rock solid believers in Jesus who are ministering in some incredible ways.  We met an orphanage director named Nathaniel who is developing a new model of orphan care that is changing Kids' lives through the gospel.  We also met a director of a womens shelter named Patrick Reason who is helping very young mothers get out of horrific situations.  We connected with a missionary couple, Steve & Shannon Mersinger who are working in the city of Mojedes with kids teaching English and ministering in a local Church.  There are so many great people here being used by God for His Kingdom and we are all so excited to see what God is going to do in the future with these new relationships.

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