Friday, August 26, 2011

[re]Wired on a New Night!!!

How can we reach the most students?
Because of Wednesday sports, band, cheer practices, as well as homework, busy schedules, transportation issues, and school activities, there are many teenagers who cannot make it to [re]Wired on Wednesday nights.  So in order to reach more students, we have decided to move [re]Wired to Sunday nights.  The times will be the same but will meet on Sundays instead of Wednesdays.
This new schedule begins Sunday August 28th.
Sunday [re]Wired Schedule:
5:30-7:00 // Middle School [re]Wired Worship (**includes small group time**)
7:00-7:30 // Pizza ($3)
7:30-8:45 // High School [re]Wired Worship

This Sunday night there will be some extra fun!!!
Arrive an hour early (4:30 Middle School & 6:30 High School) for some crazy fun......bring a towel and be ready to get wet's not a fire truck btw.....

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