Dear Students, Parents, and Families,
First I want you to know that I have
been in much prayer for you all and for our whole church during Jono's
transition. I thought Sunday was a great day for our church family, even
though it was sad, the day was a good healthy end to a great legacy of ministry
from the Longs. It was also a first for Crossroads and I believe it went
about as good as we could expect. I am thankful to the Lord that we were
able to see a staff person transition out in a good way and not leave on bad
terms - Praise the Lord for that!!!! :)
I did want to communicate with you
about our interim plan. I had hoped to give more of this detail Sunday at
the end of the service, but honestly, it just didn't "feel" right,
so, I chose to give a brief comment about it and moved on to focus on Jono and
I do want you to be comforted to
know that there is a plan and that Jono had a huge involvement in putting it
together before he left. So, even in his leaving his heart for you, and
our church overall, continues...what a blessing!!
The big picture is to have an
interim plan working and function throughout the summer months. During
this time the Elder's prayers and desires are to begin receiving resumes and
start interviewing possible candidates. We would love to be able to hit the
ground with a new placement for the fall, Lord willing!!
The smaller picture is the
interim plan itself, which is as follows:
[re]wired will continue through the
summer as originally planned by Jono. As of right now, Kris Parker
will facilitate those meetings along with the help of some of our
young college guys. Other aspects of those meetings will be carried out
by student leaders and other key people that are already in place and serving
in various capacities. Small group leaders have been secured and are
ready to be there for you. Some of the Administration and ongoing
communication detail has been delegated out to various individuals and should
continue without any trouble. Kelley Smith will be helping us make sure
things overall are smooth. Possibly, we might experience a hiccup here
and there, but that will be ok, but should be minimal because we have a great
team and they will do a great job!!
F.I.S.H. will also continue and will
have Kelley Smith's oversight along with Kelly Roe and Shawn Richards' help.
Week is still on also and will most
likely be given main oversight by LeighAnn Harrison, however, with her accident
recovery going on, she will be probably more of the "headmaster" and
others will be implementing the details of the week! Those details still need
some work!
Communication will continue as you have had
it working in the past, i.e. blog, website, FB, etc.
Kidology will also carry on as it has
in the past. Rotation schedules will continue to be communicated; club
252 will be taken care of as well as all aspects that make Sunday mornings
great!!! Of course, we should not experience any hiccups because we have
an awesome team, but if we do, I am sure we will recover nicely.
All of this is to assure you and
your child that you are important and valued enough that we have worked on this
transition and will continue to do so!! Of course, WE NEED YOU!
First we need your prayers! We also need your love, support and
encouragement! All of our servants are serving for eternal pay and rewards,
so if you could pay them with your words of encouragement and affirmation that
would be very nice. Also, we need you!! We need you to be involved!
This interim plan is a team effort and our team is thin, so if we could
get your "buy-in" by involving yourself in serving
that would probably be the best encouragement of all!!
This is a crucial time in the life of Crossroads and we will need
everyone to make this transition successful, efficient and beneficial!!
Please contact Me, Kelley smith, or Kris
parker if you want to be a part of "buying-in" to the future of our
Family Ministries!! "We love ya and we need ya" :)