Friday, October 28, 2011

Refugee Ministry

We are heading out to Wynview to minister to the least of these!! 
We will be giving out jackets and hoodies that day!
When: Meet Saturday, Nov. 5th 11:30 @ the warehouse. We will be stopping for a bite to eat on the way and will return to the warehouse @ 3:30. Hope to see you there!!
Please register @ so we have enoughtransportation.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


On Sunday, Nov. 6th @6:00 all MS and HS Students and Parents are invited to join us
after the Community 242 Fellowship on the church property for our re[Wired] Bonfire!
We will be having a night of Worship, Fellowship and Smores by the fire! Invite a friend! See ya then!
6 pm / smores & pizza
6:30 / worship

What Happens Here.....

What Happens Here . . . [Devotional] 
by Sarah Anderson 
I love being at home. Growing up, I didn’t go over to other people’s houses—I preferred that they came to my house. I didn’t like sleepovers; I didn’t like long trips away or time spent out of my routine. Maybe it comes down to me being a creature of habit. I like the predictable and the knowable. I like what I expect to actually happen. That is where I thrive.
That being said, this trait of mine would have been a real hindrance to being one of Jesus’ disciples over 2,000 years ago. Have you ever noticed when reading stories from the Gospels that Jesus and His buddies did a lot of traveling? And we aren’t talking 15-minute walks to the nearest neighborhood before crashing back at their own house. No, the disciples following Jesus rarely stayed in one place a long time. They traveled all over Israel, and not by way of train, bus or taxi—but on foot. They didn’t have a home to call their own in the three years Jesus was involved in His public ministry. And they didn’t have a building or a meeting place where they held their services or where Jesus did His teaching. 
In other words, Jesus’ ministry in those days looked a lot different from current Christianity. Most of us, whether we are self-admitted homebodies or not, like to be comfortable. We like having a home to come back to. We like going to church—as long as we know our friends will be there to sit with us, the songs we sing are ones we know already and our spot in the front row by the stage is left empty for us. We go to church. And when we invite our friends, we ask them to come with us. So for us, it’s easy to connect with God in one place. 
But Jesus left His home and His hometown. He didn’t just hang out at the temple. In other words, the things Jesus taught, the way He lived and the way He loved other people didn’t happen inside four walls. His ministry didn’t happen in one place. It happened everywhere. 
This past week we talked about the importance of taking what we hear in church and letting it spill over into the different areas of our lives, letting what we learn here affect the way we talk to our parents, the way we treat our siblings, the way we interact with our friends. 
What we hear here can’t stay here. And there is a reason for that. Because sometimes the people who need to hear what we know, who need to encounter Jesus, will never step foot in a church at all. 
Not only that, the things we hear here are meant to affect our lives as well. God’s Word, His truth, changes the way we see and interact with our world and all the people who are a part of our everyday lives. His Word is even supposed to affect how we see ourselves. 
And when we begin to live in ways that go beyond the walls of the church, when we begin to live like God is with us everywhere we go and live out the truths we hear in here, people begin to see what Jesus is all about. And while it may change them, even more so, it will change you. 
Let your life be the testimony of Jesus to people who need to hear it, no matter where they are. Don’t count on the words of your youth pastor or lead pastor to communicate what your genuine and authentic life can communicate on its own. Go out. And live the message.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


By Reggie Joiner 
It takes a quantity of quality time spent together to create a rhythm of connecting in your family. And the simple reason that it takes quantity of quality time is because significant moments are unpredictable. Most of us want to be there when our baby takes the first step, or our daughter makes her first basketball goal, or our son wins an award, or our child asks an important question. But you just never know when significant moments are going to happen.
If you hope to be present for the significant moments, then you will have to be present for the seemingly insignificant moments.
It’s like when I try to catch a picture of lightning. It’s a tricky thing for a photographer to shoot lightning. You can’t take the shot when you see the light. At that point it’s really too late. By the 
time you press the shutter release you have already missed it.
The best strategy is to set the camera to continuously shoot, so that it actually stands a better chance of opening the shutter before the lightning strikes. Sure you will get a lot of insignificant photos that way, but it’s probably the only chance you have of catching some incredible moments.
Kids and lightning have a lot in common. If you want to experience some extraordinary moments with your children, then you have to be there for a lot of ordinary moments. Looking back I am grateful that…
I limited my travel schedule away from home when my kids were young.
I rarely missed attending a school, athletic or church event with them.
I worked to keep my schedule flexible when they were teenagers.
I learned to do those things just in case something came up (and it almost always did).
I’ve never met an older mom or dad, who said, “Yeah if had it to do all over again, I’d spend less time with my kids, and more time doing other things.” They seem to always say just the opposite. 
“I wish I had spent more time with my kids …”
Just remember it’s easy to miss a lightning bolt. It happens fast—then it’s gone.
The best way to catch unpredictable moments with your children is to be predictable with how you spend time together.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

WWW Details

Walking Wisely is almost here (this weekend)
It's not too late to sign up:)
Meet @ the Warehouse @ 5 on Friday
Be picked up between 5-6 on Saturday

Guys will be camping @  Stone Mountain Park
Girls will be staying @a lodge in Mt Airy GA

What to Bring (Guys & Girls):
Bible, clothes, fishing pole (guys only), sleeping bag/bedding, pillow, shower stuff, towel, comfy shoes, and your fav snack.
Sign up @