Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Brasil Mission 2011

Wanna do something that matters during Spring Break?
Join us for our yearly mission to Brasil.
April 1-9, 2011.
We'll be doing drama, music, teaching, sharing the Gospel in schools, home visits, and a ton more ministry.  It is an amazing trip and we want you there!

Download the Info Packet Here
Download the Application Here
**Important Meeting Sunday October 24th @ 2:30 @ the Warehouse (183 HD Atha Rd. 30655)
We want parents too!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Family Photos for Refugees 2.0//**updated 10.6.10//

Saturday October 9th [re]Wired is going to go serve the refugees living @ the English Oaks apartments in Clarkston by providing them with family photos & some fun with the kids.
We've noticed that many of the families have no photos of themselves so we want to meet that need & in the process share the love of Jesus.
**We will also send a group to Wynview to hand out jackets and serve lunch.

Here's how YOU can help:
1.  Go with us to hand out flyers on Thursday Oct. 7 @ 3:30 pm
2.  Go with us on Saturday Oct. 9 to take pix.  Meet @ the warehouse @ 11:00 a.m.
3.  Provide a printer with a card reader slot or donate photo paper.
4.  Make a $ donation to help purchase ink & picture frames.
Please sign up @ so we can be sure to plan on you being there.
**We'll grab lunch on the way there so bring $$ for fast food.  We should be home by 4:30

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Worship Night

Join us for a night of worship on Wednesday October 6th
.::1 combined service (Middle & High Schoolers)
.::Pizza sold from 6:30 - 7:00 ($2)
.::Worship from 7:00 - 8:00